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Brady Gutta ACTS Now!

Empowering a New Era in West Virginia

ACT Now is a collaboration of key West Virginia cities, economic revitalization organizations, leading academic institutions, and private sector innovations.

Brady Gutta, director of the Center for Sustainable Mine Lands project, gives a quick explanation of how he "ACTS Now."

Morgantown, W.Va. -- West Virginia University, under the direction of Brady Gutta, WISER, and its project partners, which include Coalfield Development, the Nature Conservancy, and the US Research Impact Alliance, are leading the Former Mine Lands to Sustainable Lands project for the ACT Now Coalition. 

ACT Now is working in a 21-county region located in southern WV. WVU is tasked with analyzing 3,187 former mine land sites for their ability to support sustainable energy as well as other post-mining land uses. Identifying and developing ten Master Site Plans with the intention of selecting 3 of those for pilot projects. 

Lastly, an online mine lands selection tool is currently under development and will be used to select criteria that would be desirable to developers looking to come to WV. 

Currently, West Virginia has the highest number of mines throughout the Central Appalachian region and this project will create the conditions for WV to become a national leader in mine land reclamation by developing a comprehensive system for the conversion of FML to their highest and best uses. 

Advancing sustainable reuses for FML that create economic opportunities is essential because they are often in, or adjacent to, persistent poverty communities. 

Three Key Outcomes:
  1. Development of an online mine land reuse tool with info to reduce barriers, liabilities, and costs.
  2. Detailed site analysis and development for three potential project sites.
  3. Recommendations on West Virginia policy shifts to create favorable regulatory conditions for these types of projects to flourish.